gcr's Podcast
A weekly Progressive Christian podcast from co-hosts Carol Howard Merritt and Derrick Weston.

This episode features Rick Ufford-Chase.  Rick worked as a mission worker for twenty years on the U.S./Mexico border, supporting migrants and refugees and developing educational programs for people of faith who are interested in the complexities and challenges of the border region. Rick served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCUSA from 2004 to 2006. He is currently the Executive Director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, and the Co-Director (with his wife, Kitty) of Stony Point Conference Center. Rick has been deeply interested in the intersection between our faith, the challenge of responding to violence in our time, and the work of partnering with those from other religious traditions to protect and extend basic human rights to all people.

Rick is leading the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship delegation to Israel/Palestine next January 3-17. There is a grant that will subsidize more than half the cost of the trip for every participant, so the total, out-of-pocket expense should be under $2,000 including airfare. More information for anyone who would like to join this trip can be found at http://presbypeacefellowship.org/content/january-2014-middle-east-witness-delegation#.UYBWOqUQ_0A

Direct download: Rick_Ufford-Chase.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm CST